So I quickly realized that using screen via the terminal to serially connect to and configure Xbee radios gets really old since it doesn’t print what you’re typing or render carriage returns correctly. You end up with a mush of characters on a single line. Tom’s posted a Processing applet, presented in Making Things Talk, that is supposed to make all of this easier. However I’m not a fan of Processing for this type of use (text input and output) and most importantly I didn’t like how his applet worked and didn’t feel like futzing around in Processing to get it to work like I wanted, so I wrote my own little tool. In Python.

It requires the PySerial library to be installed first. Once installed, you run it like so (assuming you saved the script as

% python

This puts you into an interactive shell, which has the prompt:


From here on out, you type your command and hit enter/return to send your message. Much like other Unix shells, there’s command history and some basic help.

Unfortunately PySerial doesn’t let you list out available serial ports so you’ll need to know the name of your port and manually connect to it:

xbee% serial /dev/tty.usbserial-A4001ib8

Then connect as normal:

xbee% +++

It’ll return the usual:


From there it’s the same as usual, using the AT command set to talk to your XBee radio.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, time, cmd, serial

class XBeeShell(cmd.Cmd):
	def __init__(self):
		self.prompt = "xbee% "
		self.serial = serial.Serial()
	def default(self, p):
		if not self.serial.isOpen():
			print "You must set a serial port first."
			if p == '+++':
				self.serial.write('%s\r' % p)
			output = ''
			while self.serial.inWaiting():
				output +=
			print output.replace('\r', '\n').rstrip()
	def do_serial(self, p):
		"""Set the serial port, e.g.: /dev/tty.usbserial-A4001ib8"""
		self.serial.port = p
		print 'Opening serial port: %s' % p
	def do_exit(self, p):
		"""Exits from the XBee serial console"""
		return 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
	shell = XBeeShell()